MY GUEST POET – Owain Glyn – Published Author of WINDSWEPT


I would like to introduce you to Glyn Hockey an amazing poet who has recently had his collection of poems WINDSWEPT picked up by the Outerbank Publishing Group. Glyn’s poetry is officially published under the name Owain Glyn.  His poems are written from the heart, flow with ease and often read like a song. If you enjoy reading poetry you’ll love reading WINDSWEPT.


IMG-20150804-WA0002Owain Glyn is a Welsh exile, currently living on the wild Cornish coast, a land of legend, from King Arthur, and Merlin, to mermaids, pirates, and smugglers. his love of words drives him to write on  a wide range of subjects, from romance, to humour, politics, dark spiritual matters, and children’s poetry. He writes in a style which he hopes is accessible to all.

To all the lovers of poetry and Owain Glyn’s fans, here is the promised interview with the great man himself. Yes that’s him in the pictures too.

What made you start writing poetry?

I joined a poetry group at University to make new friends, poetry was the best friend I met.

  How old were you when you wrote your first poem? 

Around the age of eighteen. Although I stopped during my commercial career.

 Is there a reason you opted for writing poetry instead of a novel? 

Poetry gives me the opportunity to use words in a completely different way from prose.

Would you ever consider writing a novel? 

Oh yes, I am writing a novel based on a family shortly after the second world war, as we speak.

 Where do you get your inspiration from to write your poems? 

I am an inveterate observer, I find inspiration everywhere. 

Is WINDSWEPT the first collection of poems you have written? 

No, my first collection was humour based. 

Can you remember the very first poem you ever wrote and the title? 

I can, but it would be far too embarrassing to make it public. 

Is there any hidden truth in the poems you write? 

Oh yes, although I try to write simply, I do hope some people will see into the depths of my writing. 

Many people connect poetry with romance, are you a romantic person? 

Yes, I think we all are, if we are truly honest with ourselves.

Is there a particular poem in your WINDSWEPT collection that connects you with that someone special in your life? 

I was hoping you would not ask that, but I hope they all do.



Who is your favourite poet?  

If I have to choose, Edgar Alan Poe. 

Which Windswept poem is your favourite? 

I am proud of them all, but ‘Gems’ is very special. 

If you wrote a romantic novel, what would the title be? 

Love in all its Colours. 

If poetry was expressed in colour, what colour would that be to you? 

I think aquamarine.


10 POP QUESTIONS – please write the first word that comes to mind (be honest) 

Windswept – Romance 

Inspiration – Everywhere 

Nervous – Always 

Desperation – Coffee 

Sultry – Cleopatra 

Worldly – Me 

Experience – Useful 

Pleasure – Writing 

Temptation – Cigarettes

Thank you for your time Owain Glyn. It has been an enlightening interview into the head of an excellent poet. I am sure your readers will enjoy reading your answers and getting to know their favourite poet a little better now too.



I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you ever success with all your future publications, be they poetry or novels.



We sit by the stream

On this soft summers day

Entranced by the dance

As the Dragonflies play.


A waggle tailed Moorhen

Leads young to the nest

While the arrogant Swan

Knows she’s looking her best.


In the meadow the mad Hare

Continues the chase

As the spider weaves webs

That the sun turns to lace.


Overhead soft white pillows

Cross pastel blue skies

And I gaze with pure joy

As I see skylarks rise.


I look at you sleeping, a smile on my face

And I thank Mother Nature for sharing this place.

The silver stream gurgles on its merry way.

As I glory in you, and a soft summers day.

                                                     Owain Glyn


What would you do

If I turned up on your doorstep

At two in the morning

Dressed only in my violin?

You know,

The one without a bow

That I play in the metro


Surrounded by funnel web spiders.

I don’t stay,

Because they say

It’s illegal,

And anyway

I can’t play.

This is nonsense

Of course,

Just like

The pantomime horse

On my bedroom wall.

All I really want to say,

Is what would you do

If I turned up on your doorstep

At two in the morning

Dressed only in my violin?

Would you send me away?

Because I can’t play?

                      Owain Glyn


I’ve bought this large red fur lined suit

And knee length boots of black

I bought them in a clearance sale,

So I can’t take them back.


I’ve rustled up some reindeer,

And stolen next door’s sleigh,

I’ll hook the two together,

Then I’ll get on my way.


I can’t afford a satnav,

I’ll manage with a map,

It seems to stop at Dover,

So the thing is pretty crap!


I’ll make my way up to the sky,

And gather you some stars,

I’ll wrap them up in moondust,

And pretend they came from Mars.

Do you have a chimney?

One that I will fit?

I really do not wish to look,

A red, fat, stupid git!


But know I’ll make all efforts,

To be with you Christmas day,

Please try to be patient,

In case I lose my way!

                             Owain Glyn


As I approach your fortress,

I see the dark forbidding walls,

Towering to scratch the sky,

Stern sentries at every entrance.


I look in silence,

Knowing that these walls,

Protect you from storms,

Pain and heartache cannot permeate.


I set up camp below your towers,

And prepare my vigil,

And draw my quest,

To set you free.


Know this:

I was Joshua’s mentor at Jericho,

I aided Ghengis Khan to overcome the Chin,

I instructed Job in the art of patience.


The love I hold for you,

Defies all impediments,

It will forge cracks in these defences,

And let in shards of sunlight.


Tear down your shrouds within,

Replace them with golden tapestries,

Play, at last, sweet music,

To welcome me.


For my love will be your protection,

My love will be your shield,

And your salvation,

You will have no need of walls.

                                     Owain Glyn


For many years I have drifted


Across many seas,

And moored in many harbours.


Some have been too shallow



No protection from the storms.


Fierce winds have blown me

Far off course

And I have followed the safety

Offered by bogus lighthouses.


I have been hypnotised

By siren song

Whose navigation

Led me onto reefs.


I became resigned

To drifting

And sought

No bearing.


One grey day

While drifting in the fog

Far out to sea

I saw a light.


Without expectation

I followed it

And it led me to a safe haven

It led me to you.

                           Owain Glyn

INTERVIEW with Best Selling Author Jay Gray

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Today I have the pleasure of interviewing Jay Gray, Author of To Swear By The Moon.

Having just read his manuscript and written a review, I thought it time to dig a little more into the workings of the mind that wrote such an intriguing story.

ME – Good day to you Jay and thank you for sparing the time out of your busy schedule to do this interview.

JAY – It’s my pleasure, always great to share what I do with other people and hopefully we can answer some questions that people have been wondering about!

ME – How long have you been writing and when did you start?

JAY – Unlike most writers, literature hasn’t been something I have been obsessed with since a child, I think it’s important to mention that because it can be off putting knowing that successful writers have been scribbling away since they were five or six. Not me. Literature has always been a part of my life, my mother has an English Lit degree and we have always ready but my spark came only last year. I started writing a song, which didn’t work, then a poem, which didn’t work and suddenly I had five pages of a manuscript which was very interesting indeed. I had no idea what I was doing or where the story was going but just eighteen days later I had 90,000 words and I fell in love with the whole thing. I am unbelievably grateful to have won NaNoWriMo and turned number 1 best seller in such a short time and I cannot thank you all enough.

ME – Is To Swear By The Moon your first novel?

JAY – To Swear By The Moon isn’t my first novel. I wrote a full length novel called Quiet Callow One which was available for a short while but has since been removed. It was definitely a book for me with a very personal storyline and it really had very little in the way of interesting concepts for the general public. I may release it again for a limited time if enough people want to read it but I tell you now, it isn’t a good read, it’s over technical and was definitely just a learning process for me. Nothing more.

ME – Without giving anything away, are you able to say where you got the idea to write this type of story?

JAY – Definitely. I haven’t even written a blurb for the novel yet so bear with me a little whilst I try and explain where inspirations for different parts of the book were drawn from. The first major point is the narrator being time. I knew I wanted to do this as soon as I read Markus Zusak many months ago but I had no idea how to do it, or where to start so I jotted the idea down and left it there. I wrote the first draft of To Swear By The Moon in first person. Gabrielle narrated the first draft and I liked it, but nothing more so I knew it needed rewriting. Whilst contemplating what to do with this the light flicked on and I knew how to write with time as the narrator so the final novel was born. The story was somewhat influenced by John Green’s The Fault In Our Stars which was a book that really moved me. Sure it has its problems like any book but it hit me hard and I loved that because it’s so rare for me. Obviously the story isn’t anywhere near the same but the influence was definitely drawn from Mr Green.

ME – Your characters Devon and Gabrielle are they similar to anyone in reality?

JAY – I think as writers we are constantly at work whilst socialising, or simply being aware in any circumstance. I can honestly say that both Gab and Devon were not based on any person in particular but of course they have similarities to several people I have had the pleasure of meeting. I guess I just took bits of hundreds of people and allowed these two to come into existence. I like them though. They’re cool.

ME – Devon plays the piano and so do you. Is there a little bit of you in his character?

JAY – Definitely not. Devon plays the piano much more eloquently than I do! Haha! On a serious note, no. Devon is very different to me in so many ways. I think he is definitely his own person through and through.

ME – Will there be a sequel to this story, if not are you planning to write another in the near future?

JAY – This is something I have considered and swapped and changed with so many times whilst writing this book. As it stands today… There won’t be a sequel, but I am always open to change and who knows? There may be one in the future. I do have another project that I am very excited to get my teeth into but I don’t even know where it will go myself so I can’t tell you much about it. I have a very raw concept and not much else at the moment.

ME – How many hours a day do you spend writing and where is your favourite and most comfortable space to write?

JAY – This varies a huge amount depending where I am with the novel and how much I have to give to it. I would say during the first draft I probably write 10 hours or so per day but that can sometimes be much more and sometimes much less. During the editing process it fluctuates a ridiculous amount. Anywhere from zero to twenty is completely normal but I do try and take time out to spend it with loved ones when I can. I think it’s extremely important to make time for people who support us and I for one definitely forget this from time to time. It is all too easy to get caught up in writing and forget about life. As far as my favourite place to write, this changes quite a lot too. I spend the majority of my time at my desk which always has a nice scented candle burning atop it too but my favourite places change. I love to write in good company even though it’s super unsocial. There is a very strange feeling of home when you can write in company.

ME – Do you listen to music when you write and if you do what type of music inspires you to write?

JAY – I do listen to music when I write usually but I am also completely content to write in silence or in company. When writing the first draft I spent a good few nights writing whilst my girlfriend watched a film which is cool but when I listen to music day to day it’s usually one of a few things. My go to is classical. Ideally piano for obvious reasons but I do listen to modern music a lot as well. Usually anything fairly relaxing and acoustic ticks the boxes for me. I love covers as well so I occasionally stumble across a very talented, very under rated artist who will get my attention for a while.

ME – Who is your favourite author and which of their books did you enjoy reading most?

JAY – Ahh, the age old question. I can’t answer this directly because there are so many books that I love for their own reasons so I guess I have to give you a few authors. I love John Irving, Harper Lee, Lee Child, Stephen King, John Green, C S Lewis, J K Rowling, J R R Tolkien, Dean Koontz, A M Holmes… My reading choice is very very broad so I could never pick a single author. I think every successful author has something beautiful to teach me. I can however pick a favourite writer… Markus Zusak… Hands down… I think Markus has a stunningly pure way of writing and I have never found anything more artistic in literature. If any of you guys know him personally let’s arrange a meet up haha!

ME – If you had to choose a song that relates to your book, what song would that be?

JAY – This is something I have honestly never thought about but the song that springs to mind is Yiruma ‘River Flows In You’ for reasons that will become much more apparent when you guys read the book. If I had to pick another song which is currently released it would be Home by Connor Lawlor (A good friend of mine). It sums the narrator up perfectly and was written long before the book.

ME – What advice would you give to other writers just starting out on this road?

JAY – I have to be honest here and really say that (although contradictory) my best advice to new authors is to not follow advice. This is not to say, ignore all words of wisdom but on the technical scale who are we to say what is right or wrong? The very thing that makes your book pop may be the very thing that a “guru” has told you is “wrong” so follow your heart and write what you need to write. I break so many rules in my books, I start countless sentences with ‘because’, I use a capital letter for Mum and Dad… The examples are endless. On a more personal level my advice to aspiring authors is to fall in love with what you do. Sit down at your desk and love this moment, if you don’t love it, that’s cool… Nobody forces us to write. Enjoy it, write, read and have fun with your whole life.

As we come to the end of the interview may I ask a few quick pop up questions please? One word answers only please.

What is your girlfriend’s name?

Does she have any similarities to Gabrielle?
One or two. I will let you work them out.

Name your favourite city?

Why do you meditate?
To know my true self.

What makes you happy?
Seeing my loved ones happy.

What is your favourite beverage?
Coffee. Hands Down!

Do you snack while writing?
Rarely. Coffee always!

Do you have any pets?
4 dogs, 2 cats.

Any hobbies?

What book are you reading now?
Paper Towns – John Green.

Thanks again, for agreeing to be interviewed and answering all my questions. It has been a pleasure getting to know you a little better and I’m sure your readers will be interested too.

Thank you so much for having me and if any of you have any questions further to these please feel free to ask! My twitter handle is @JDGray26

** If anyone is interested in reading my review of TO SWEAR BY THE MOON please hop across to my REVIEW section **

Introducing an Amazing Author, Phoenix Rainez

Phoenix knows how to grab a reader!

Look out! If you pick up Second Chances, you better be ready for a wild ride.

Second ChancesHave you been disappointed with romance novels lately? Cookie cutter characters and predictable plots rate less than three stars in my Amazon reviews.

Finally, along came Second Chances by Phoenix Rainez. Wow!

I had been following Phoenix during her writing of Second Chances. She impressed me with her high standards for editing. Everything she wrote or produced had to be her best work and receive approval from her toughest critics. The result? A book you won’t put down until the last page is read.

Here’s the link to my Amazon Review of

Second Chances


To Louisa, the idea of hope is just that. An idea. After a chance encounter Louisa’s Cinderella story begins, and no fairytale is complete without a Prince Charming – enter handsome, charismatic gentleman, Damien. As he falls to her feet, Louisa prepares herself to ride off into the sunset. Before Louisa can say ‘happily ever after’ the dream she never asked for, disintegrates into a nightmare. The girl, who once upon a time, couldn’t even conceive the notion of hope, has to find some for herself. Cinderella has to slay her own demons from now on, starting with Damien ….



Ccropped-avatar_1423521519117.jpgheck out this great interview with Phoenix Rainez at Bookish Banter

 Second Chances, Amazon rating 4.7 is available in ebook and print. Check out “My Books” for locations to purchase.

And what do YOU have to say? – P. RAINEZ

Thanks for sharing my interview on Valentine’s Day Anita. Made my romantic side sparkle ♥

Anita's Haven

A romantic lady has joined me today to make this Valentine’s Day even more special. A tireless workaholic with a heart of gold, Phoenix will lure you into a world of heartbeats and kisses, spectacular scenery and passionate whispers. So put on your romance dress&tie, and read away into sunset.



1. What makes you want to write romance?

I am an incurable romantic, always have been ever since I was a child and read all those romantic stories like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and when I saw Romeo and Juliet in my teens, I was hooked into the world of Romance with a capital “R” So it was the most natural thing on earth for me to start writing romance stories of my own. Although I did start by writing romantic poetry first.

2. What is your personal favourite romantic couple of all times?

 Without a doubt it…

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Bookish Banter Valentines Day Special – Featured Author – Phoenix Rainez

My Grateful thanks to Laura Crean for Publishing this interview.

<3..........Laura Crean...........<3

With Valentines Day on everybody’s minds I thought it would be great to feature a romance novelist here on the Bookish Banter today.  With the imminent release of the Fifty Shades of Grey movie there seems to be a real frenzy around the genre.  Everybody loves a bit of romance – after all Love makes the world go round, doesn’t it?  So snuggle up in front of a cozy fire, with a nice bottle of bubbly and some chocolates and get ready for a story to set your heart a fluttering; but if you were expecting a run of the mill, boy meets girl, falls in love and sunset ending romance story, then think again.  Let’s turn the heat up a few notches… (this book is strictly 18 years + so please be aware of that fact)

Introducing today’s Spotlight Author…


Phoenix Rainez


Phoenix Rainez is the pen name of Angie Neto…

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